The behaviour of some England fans in London on Sunday was absolutely appalling.
What has almost saddened me more, though, is hearing people making excuses for this kind of despicable conduct by saying things like “These people have been locked in their houses for 18 months” – as though that justifies bad behaviour.
Nobody was truly locked in during lockdown, and even if they endured shielding or living with restrictions over the last year and a half, that is no excuse for the kind of unacceptable behaviour we witnessed at the weekend.
Judi Martin, Aberdeenshire
Free drugs a bad idea
Scotland is currently in the middle of a drug and alcohol epidemic, with the shame of being called the drug death capital of Europe.
A drugs deaths taskforce, set up by the SNP, and made up of academics, police, specialist advisers and experts, are now planning to give free smartphones with wi-fi access, booze, and heroin to addicts.
Where do these “professionals” get these loony ideas?
It is my opinion that the smartphones would likely be sold to fund the addict’s habit. The money would be better spent on proper residential and rehab facilities and clinics – but only for those addicts who want to break the habit and get clean.
It is also pointless to dish out free drugs and alcohol, as the current methadone “project”, where some addicts have been getting their daily fix for years, has failed.
JH Aberdeen.