On Sunday, my partner and I walked from the King’s Gate area into town via Rosemount, Schoolhill, Upperkirkgate (popping in/out of shopping centres) passing Marischal College, up Union Street, Albyn Terrace, then on to Queen’s Road back home.
I came home feeling quite depressed.
Due to the pandemic I haven’t been into the city centre for several months. I have written in Your Voice prior to this about the mess of our city, but I must say it really is in severe decline, and worse than I thought.
We have heard from ACC about various schemes which will lift our city out of decline but, I am sorry, I’m afraid it is too late for our city – it is a disgrace, and beyond repair.
I have a daughter who lives in Aberdeen, and she is my only tie here. I no longer feel any love for the city I grew up in, and currently I am considering moving away to a nicer place.
Also, I note there is a big influx of people of various nationalities to our city. Can someone answer the question, what is the attraction to our city? One thing it ain’t is work!
Gordon Park, Aberdeen
Gathering disapproval
Watching Scottish Parliament questions, the question was asked what Glasgow would have to do to qualify for Covid Level 2 status, which was answered with the usual waffle about a new virus.
Would this new virus be a mix of… double Ibrox, Palestinian crisis and immigration insurrection variant? We witnessed gatherings of the Ibrox faithful twice, and once each of the others mentioned above.
I would imagine that before coming out of lockdown Glasgow would have to wait in anticipation of the result of these mass gatherings. If common sense cannot prevail, what hope for the future?
Meanwhile, Moray appears to have gained the upper hand on Covid while Aberdeen and the shire have the lowest cases barring the Islands. No mention has been made of these areas by our duly elected representatives.
We can only wait and, as usual, wonder if the Central Belt is to govern decisions by the Scottish ruling party that affects the areas that have made the effort.
J. McK, Cove