The announcement by Westminster to add even more nuclear warheads to our Trident arsenal is frankly disgusting.
I said in a previous letter that the UK should show leadership and ditch nuclear weapons. Instead, we have now increased the amount we will have.
I am filled with dread and fear the worst for our world.
Quite simply, this now leads me to put one foot firmly in the Scottish independence camp and abandon Westminster and its destructive right-wing actions.
The USA alone could blow up the planet, as could the Russians and the Chinese. So let’s, therefore, leave them all to get on with it and spend the money on people and healthy green options, which is surely a far better world for our future generations to grow up in.
A Lamb.
Rubislaw flats plan is simply ‘hideous’
I have lodged an appeal against the hideous development of 245 flats on the rim of Rubislaw Quarry by Canadian firm Carttera on the basis that this ugly plan conflicts with the historic importance and heritage status of the quarry.
The plan was unanimously thrown out by Aberdeen city planning but the developer appealed this decision and a reporter appointed by the Scottish Government overturned the decision and granted the plan.
I do not recall any Aberdeen planning application that received so many objections, only to be overturned by a reporter on appeal. This makes a total mockery of the Scottish planning system.
Dennis Forbes Grattan.
Minister messed up
I was intrigued to read in the EE, Tuesday March 16, that the Scottish Government has overturned the city council’s unanimous decision to reject planning for Rubislaw Quarry.
Given the Scottish housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP represents a constituency within the city, it is extremely disappointing that he did not use his influence to remind the Scottish minister involved in determining the appeal that most if not all Aberdonians were against these ghastly flats.
I am beginning to wonder if it is actually in Aberdeen’s benefit to have the housing minister at Holyrood given his ability to ignore public opinion on controversial planning matters, then blame somebody else for making decisions he should actually make.
Simon Turner.
Just what we wanted!
Now that the Rubislaw development has been passed, I bet the council now regrets not allowing the granite museum there.
If the actual building goes ahead it looks like we will have another building with cladding – cream coloured.
Just what we always wanted.
Another building that in a few years’ time will have Historic Environment Scotland clamouring to list.