I heard our first minister defending the Scottish Test & Trace system yesterday. She seemed to compare our system with the English counterpart which, like ours, is not working to expectations.
This seems similar to her comparing the Scottish NHS’ failures to meet the targets of last winter to the NHS south of the border, which apparently had worse failure rates.
In my opinion, this is a childish attitude. We should examine systems better than ours, find out what is better and implement those findings.
She also intimated our Test & Trace system was up with the WHO gold standard of tracing all close contacts within 72 hours. I believe this should be the minimum.
I also contend that hospitality venues should take valid names and addresses, as well as authentic phone numbers, for the NHS to follow up if someone doesn’t respond to the T&T system.
JH, Aberdeen.
Begbie wide of the mark
The main warmongering party are the Democrats and Trump has been the least militarily aggressive American president in recent memory.
Scott must have forgotten about Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya among others when GW Bush was in office, resulting in the loss of over 270,000 lives in Iraq alone. Let’s hope this behaviour is not repeated.
James Sinclair.
No-fear vote
If the unionists are so confident in the strength of the union, then surely they shouldn’t fear a referendum in Scotland and Wales. A KEAY.