When is a lockdown not a lockdown? When it is a close down.
It is my opinion that the latest Scottish Government restrictions have closed down Scotland, with possibly more restrictions to come.
We were told a few weeks ago that most infections were spread in the home, which meant we could no longer meet anyone inside our home, but were restricted to six adults outside.
We could go for a meal and restrict the numbers to six.
We could social distance in a bar.
What has changed? Now we are told it is pubs and restaurants that are causing the problem.
So enter the latest restrictions, with all hospitality in the central belt closed. The rest of Scotland is restricted to 6pm for meals, and alcohol only if the premises has an outside licence.
These rules are sending most of us to supermarkets and off-licences for alcohol. And now, with the record sales of alcohol in supermarkets, it is my opinion that the current restrictions will lead to more parties, more home drinking, and turn the general public into armchair alcoholics.
JH, Aberdeen.
Rapid recovery
I see Donald Trump, his son Barron, the First Lady, and others within the White House all had Covid-19 and all seem to have recovered now – that was quick.
Why do we persist in lockdowns and quarantines when in reality we should accept it’s just another flu, which this world has been experiencing for several years now.
Even yet, we do not have a vaccine for the common cold. I don’t believe we shall have a vaccine for this Covid-19 shortly. Let it run its course and do the damage, then get on with life, whoever survives.
Put to test
Re the volunteers for a coronavirus vaccine.
Well done to the level- headed individuals that have agreed to this trial. Let’s hope it’s successful.
A Milne.