I too have been diagnosed with IBD as a result of returning the bowel test kit I received shortly after my 50th birthday.
The result was the discovery of IBD which was at a very early stage.
I am one of the lucky ones and responded positively to Pentasa allowing me to live with the condition relatively easily; unlike poor Samantha. Shockingly, only about 60% of people bother completing the bowel test and return it.
Even more shocking is that the return rate is less than 50% in the most deprived areas.
People are suffering from and even dying from IBD needlessly.
Samantha’s experience is horrendous, but for most people, myself included, it is treatable and the earlier it is treated the better the outcome.
I’d like to thank Samantha for her courage and decision to go public with her experiences and I hope it jolts more people into completing the test kit; which is painless and simple. It might just save your life.
Tom Johnstone, Clinterty.
Ridiculous decision
Let the restaurants stay open, limit the drinks people can have. It’s not the restaurants that are the problem.
They all have good controls in place.
Aberdeen being punished once again.
J Forster.
Storm Alex damage
RE Storm Alex causing further damage to the Bon Accord Baths (EE, October 5).
Tragic. It’s one of the jewels in Aberdeen’s crown.
It’s going to be a wonderful day for the city when it’s finally restored to its former glory.
Z Stan.