Following the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, I hope that the United States will take a long hard look at the dysfunctional relationship between black people and law enforcement agencies to ensure no further barbaric deaths occur.
However, I am concerned that on this side of the Atlantic, some protests have mutated into a form of “mob rule” where the Cenotaph and statues of historical figures with contentious pasts have been vandalised.
Do the protesters not realise that the events of the past are fixed and cannot be changed to fit modern attitudes?
As far as I’m concerned, the key to challenging prejudice is through education.
Some have suggested that instead of removing these statues, plaques should be affixed to them explaining what the person did and why this was wrong.
I think this is a sensible solution.
Finally, I hope the protesters haven’t forgotten that slavery still exists in the 21st Century and that their efforts would be better served fighting this rather than the ghosts of the past.
Jonathan Mitchell.
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