It is with growing incredulity that I watch the Johnson/Cummings show develop. From the very beginning this has been wrong.
Cummings’s dash from No 10 was quite correct, his wife getting more ill and unable to look after their young child. However, he should not have been at No 10 – his wife was ill and the whole family should have been isolating as per government instructions.
To then compound this wrongdoing by driving the whole family to a remote cottage beggars belief. Dr Herries stated very early on in this pandemic that if parents were isolating and unable to care for young children then the local authority would provide that care.
It gets worse. He gets better, decides he is so important that he must get back to work, but having “problems with his eyesight” thinks he should go for a test drive to make sure he is OK to drive and takes the whole family. During this test drive he feels unwell and needs some fresh air. Conveniently there is a parking area, alongside a riverbank where he can stop.
Back in London and back at work nothing is mentioned until it appears in the press.
Johnson and Cummings then spend Sunday May 24 locked in Downing Street getting their story straight so that Johnson can explain it all away at a press conference later that day.
He admits that he spoke to Cummings during his first week away but, conveniently, because of the pressures of work and the effects of being ill neither can remember the conversation.
Bumbling Boris failed to convince anyone so we get the unprecedented sight of a government employee holding a press conference where we learned that it was all the wicked media’s fault.
In my opinion, anyone who watched as well as listened to Mr Cummings will have seen when he was wandering into the realms of hyperbole, or indeed about to commit a terminological inexactitude. Hans Christian Anderson would have been proud of their fairytale.
They should both go. Thank goodness we in Scotland have Nicola Sturgeon and not Bumbling Boris the Trump wannabe.
George Gray, Morven Place, Aboyne.