It looks like the Government has again been caught unawares with the sacking of 800 crew by P&O.
They also don’t appear to have any powers to have the crew reinstated, even after P&O boss Peter Hebblethwaite admitted to parliament that he “broke the law”.
Now we have a ferryboat detained due to lack of familiarity with operational procedures for that boat.
As many of the replacement crew are perceived to be foreign nationals, in such critical positions, I would question if they fully understand, other than just speak, English, especially in emergency conditions (offshore we had a three- month “green hat” safety culture for temporary and new crew).
It is my opinion if the government is not able to pursue P&O to rehire the crew, they should demand the owners pay the £146m pension fund deficit immediately, simply because the crew were not made redundant but had contracts terminated, and will rely on this money in the future.
If the company does not comply, is it possible for the government to commandeer, and operate the ferries using the original crew?
Austerity on the horizon
We face a bleak austerity in Scotland over the next few years.
With the highest taxation levels in the UK and an economy drained to recession levels, it is going to be hard times for many families and people living in Scotland.
We are governed in Scotland by a minority SNP coalition limping along with Green Party support who are currently trying to close down any new developments in the North Sea, putting thousands out of work.
With the current war being raged in Ukraine by Putin, we need every last drop of energy out of the North Sea as supplies are under threat and facing massive price increases.
Dennis Forbes Grattan, Bucksburn