I don’t understand the nonsense from some Aberdeen fans re Ross McRorie and Lewis Ferguson supporting Rangers in the European final.
These guys were born and bred in that neck of the woods and have ties to the club.
What I have objection to is the glory hunters in the north-east of Scotland supporting Celtic and Rangers when they have absolutely no affinity to either club.
I have spoken to many true Rangers and Celtic supporters and they don’t want these glory hunters supporting them as they take season tickets away from real fans.
Doug Smith.
Green route to pollution
Bank closures in Mastrick made me take the 23 “sunshine line” bus to CB-Virgin bank on St Nicholas Street as recommended by our green friends to save the planet.
Instead I was taken on a tour of the city and suburbs, all because Market Street was closed (EE, page 6, May 25).
During this closure until June 7 why didn’t someone open Union Street instead of letting buses pump out fumes in the diversions near the proposed low emission zone?
The drivers are going “mental” and the passengers are confused. No sunshine on a rainy day.
T. Shirron, Davidson Drive, Aberdeen.
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