Once again we have taken a deep dive into our archives to look at years gone by in the communities which make up Aberdeen.
From school trips in the sunshine to not-quite-so-jammed traffic jams at the Bridge of Dee, these are great snapshots in time. And do you remember the “veggie mannie?”
Join us on a trip down memory lane, you might spot someone you know… or even yourself.
Margaret Gordon is given a bouquet from Shauna Polson, 5, after retiring from Hilton Nursery School in 1975. She held the position of head teacher for nine years.
The Bothy Ballad tradition was being kept alive and in the unlikely surroundings of Grampian Regional Council’s roads department depot in East Tullos, in 1985. Driver Dave Carnegie, of Balmoral Place, Aberdeen, had written a 16-verse ballad in the classic mould in praise of the gritting squads and set to the tune of Drumdelgie. In true ballad tradition it started off: “Come all ye jolly gritter boys, and listen to my sang.” Dave also managed to work a number of his workmates into this song. Dave was brought up at Charleston of Nigg – it was then a farm and not a dual carriageway – and was known as “The Fairmer”.
The mums’ race was the highlight of the day at Bieldside’s St Devenick’s Playgroup picnic at Aberdeen’s Duthie Park in June 1979.
Cove Gala helper Ian Adie hands out some goodies to fancy dress competition contestants in 1986. They are, from left, Carrie Fairweather, Peter Esslemont, Kerry Esslemont, Claire Cameron and Laura McWilliam, all of Cove.
Tillydrone Primary pupils take notes in the picturesque sun garden in Wrights’ and Coopers’ Place (off Old Aberdeen High Street) during an outdoors lesson with their teacher, left, Elaine Fraser, in May 1980.
Lads of the 1st Aberdeen Boys’ Brigade marched past Ferryhill South Parish Church after a special service to mark the company’s centenary year in 1987.
The happy trio being led round the grounds of Aberdeen’s Royal Cornhill Hospital by Scots singer Peter Morrison are majorettes, from left, Lindi Cunningham, Vanessa Vass and Pauline Massie, all Aberdeen. Earlier Peter had officially opened the hospital’s annual fete.
Bridge of Dee
What passed for a traffic jam in 1971, in a view from the end of Great Southern Road, looking towards Stonehaven Road, with cars queuing to get across the dual carriageway to the Bridge of Dee.
The “veggie mannie” was once a familiar sight in Aberdeen. This is one of the most popular, Frank Thain who retired in 1974 after running his round for 27 years. Mr Thain, from Crathes, started his working life on farms and became a horseman. After the Second World War he set up business on his own with a horse and cart, and developed a vegetable round in the Ruthrieston, Broomhill, Kaimhill and Airyhall districts.
The Blue Star garage, which used to be on Anderson Drive beside Haudagain roundabout is shown in this picture, taken in 1961.