From shipbuilding to fishing, trade and industry has always been part of the Granite City’s suburbs and communities.
But in the mix has always been fun and games… and a few famous faces, too. Take a look through our photos from the past to see what you remember and who you recognise.
The 892-ton fishery cruiser Westra built at Aberdeen’s Hall, Russell and Co Ltd’s shipyard for the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries was launched at Footdee in 1974.
Two youngsters who helped put the swing in the music for the Woodside Old People’s Welfare Club Choir during a concert in the Arts Centre in 1978 are Miss Audrey Allan, 23, from Oldmeldrum, their conductor, and pianist Andrew Howitt, 16, of Aberdeen.
Hazlehead Academy’s Channel 5 Theatre Company had a three-night run of Kes in the school assembly hall in 1990. Billy was played by Steven Milne, front right, who rescues and makes friends with a kestrel played by Marianne Thorburn.
These youngsters tested their arts skills at Mastrick Library in 1984, as they enjoyed a painting session organised by the library as part of their holiday activities. Pictured is branch librarian Miss Wilma Beaton, centre left, who was given a helping hand by Keith Webster, centre right, who was summer relief at the library.
Fish workers from the Torry premises of Direct Fish Supply play up for the camera in this photo taken in the 1950s.
Bridge of Don
A mighty effort from lads of the Army Cadet Force in Aberdeen as they clear the ditch while they try out the assault course at the Highland Brigade Depot, Bridge of Don, during a weekend course in 1968.
Youngsters having fun and games in one of the weeky kinder-gym sessions held in the Beacon Community Centre at Bucksburn Library in 1986.
Holburn Street
Great Western Road at Holburn Street in August 1977. Note the van outside the Green Shield Stamp shop on the left.
Bridge of Dee
One of the first arrivals at Fine Fare Superstore, Bridge of Dee, is presented with a gift by Avengers star Honor Blackman who opened the store in 1970 – Scotland’s biggest supermarket at the time.
Kingswells School pupils were heading towards a big future in November 1986 as their research project was the building trade. In our picture they are being shown how to lay kerbstones by Alex Murdoch, of Insch.