1978 - Conservative councillor Richard Gallagher,
left, and Labour councillor Margaret Wilson enjoy a spin on skateboards at the beach promenade, but Tory councillor G Murray
Park appears a little unsure of himself
The first month of the year, January, is for many a time of reflection and making resolutions.
Here the Aberdonian reflects on the past and looks at what was happening in Januarys of yesteryear.
There were times of fun such as the councillors, pictured above, trying out skateboarding and joy for Robert Gordon College students getting set for Oxford – including a young Michael Gove.
But there were also moments depicting everyday life such as workers loading fish on to a lorry during a hauliers’ strike and dough being transformed into ‘softies’ at a bakery.
Do you recognise any of the faces pictured?
1981 – Dr Alan Main, centre, is inducted at Christ’s College with, from left, Rev Peter Davidson, Rev A Stewart Todd, Very Rev Robin Barbour, Rev Prof David Cairns
1986 – Up for sale – Norco House, the Northern Co-operative Society’s store in George Street
1982 – Brian Bothwell in action against Japanese ace Shiro Asano at Budokwai Karate Club
1987 – Aberdeen’s North Pier beacon stands sentinel at the gateway to the North Sea, Europe and beyond
1964 – Andrew M Buchan beats the drum during a record turnout for the St Combs temperance walk
1968 – The official opening takes place of Munro’s Tourist Agency’s new premises in Union Street
1980 – An atmospheric shot of the scene in Carnegie’s Brae as city life goes on above
1941- Tramsway Home Guard on church parade through Union Street during the war
1979 – Independent contractors John Robertson, left, and Frank Anderson load cod on to a lorry during a hauliers’ strike
1991 – Archie Lennox, left, and Johnny Londragan look back at photographs taken during the hunger marches in the 1930s
1959 – The keeper is left standing as Aberdeen concede a goal against Partick on a snow-covered pitch in winter
1985 – Robert Gordon’s College pupils set for Oxford – Michael Gove, Duncan Gray, Rupert McNeil and Andrew Ross
1992 – Esslemont and Macintosh chairman G Birnie Esslemont, ex employees Sheila Currie and Charlie Gordon, author Shirley Cunningham and managing director Norman Esslemont celebrate a new book on E&M’s history
1971 – Dough makes the journey to becoming ‘softies’ under the watchful eye of Thomas Harper at Duncan’s bakery
1993 – Laura Kemp, 11, meets Postman Pat at the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital – not forgetting his black and white cat, Jess