For this edition of The Aberdonian, we have scouted our archives for photos of Bridge of Don through the decades.
From painting the walls of the Parkway underpass tunnel to campaigning for an indoor sports centre, our gallery is a testament to how the community of Bridge of Don helped shape the suburb.
Can you spot any familiar faces in the photos below?
The gallery
1975 – Energy Under-Secretary John Smith opens the Servoil building at Bridge of Don.
1979 – Bridge of Don teenagers who wrote to the Evening Express’s sister paper The Press & Journal to complain there was little for them to do in the area were, right, Jon Webster, 16, with, second right, Amanda Holland, 17, and, third left, Ray Crombie, 17 – pictured with friends Shane Moir, 15, Graeme Wilson, 17, and Alan Black, 15.
1979 – Bridge of Don resident Samuel Hunter has a look at the area’s new traffic lights.
1981 – Balgownie Primary School pupils at work on their painting on the walls of the Parkway underpass tunnel as part of a European environmental project.
1988 – Kevin Reid, 6, a pupil at Scotstown School, shoulders a placard as Joan Stephen presents Lord Provost Henry Rae with a petition for a sports centre for Bridge of Don.
1988 – Lollipop lady Pat Erskine, dressed as a clown, youth club chairman Alan Munro and his wife Rona, lead members on a sponsored walk at Aberdeen beach to raise cash for Balgownie Primary youth club.
1989 – Studying plans for the proposed new sports centre at the Bridge of Don site are, from left: Joan Stephen and daughter Karen; Douglas Johnston and wife Margaret; Councillor Margaret Farquhar; Hazel Reid and son Kevin, and community councillor Bill Farquhar.
1991 – Former Lord Provost Alex Collie tries out some of the equipment at the new sport centre, which was named in his honour. With him are Lord Provost Robert Robertson, comedian Buff Hardie, and Aberdeen FC’s Alex McLeish and Willie Miller.
1991 – Sarah Will, 8, of Scotstown School, gets some lessons on the beam from gymnastics coach Rachel Bailey at Bridge of Don Sports Centre.
1991 – Mark Thomson, of Scotstown Primary School, was given a few table tennis hints from supervisor Billy McLean when pupils visited the new Bridge of Don Sports Centre.
1991 – Supervisor John Lindsay helps Gillian Coyne as she tries curling with her classmates, from left, Kevin Reid, Cheryl McFarlane, Kelly Ross (rear) and Marishia Stronach looking on.
1991 – Taking a rest from their table tennis game are, from left, Lisa Davidson, 7, Louise Thomson, 9, Lindsay Forsyth, 10, and Brian Peterkin, 8.