Our Holyrood correspondent has rated the performances of each of the leaders this evening
Nicola Sturgeon
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon put on a strong show but did not come over quite as well as she did during last week’s seven-way national television debate. She came slightly unstuck with her offer to put Ed Miliband into Downing Street while attacking Labour.
Jim Murphy
Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy showed he can be more aggressive than comes over during his soft spoken television interviews but slipped up on tuition.
Ruth Davidson
Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson made a good fist of defending the Conservative Government record but the audience was not convinced by the impact on the low paid and unemployed.
Willie Rennie
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie scored when he branded the exchanges as “immature” and said voters wanted to “pragmatic approach” to politics, but failed to provide any new ideas.
Scotland debates: Performance of each of the leaders rated out of 10