The SNP held on to Argyll and Bute after Brendan O’Hara won with 21,040 votes.
He was followed by Conservative Gary Mulvaney with 16,930 then the constituency’s former MP Alan Reid of the Lib Dems with 6,832 and Labour’s Rhea Louise Barnes on 3,248.
Mr O’Hara said: “I would like to thank the returning officer and the counting staff for doing a remarkable job managing to stay away until 5.43am.
“I also pay tribute to my opponents. It has been a robust campaign but it has been a friendly campaign. It was never personal.
“The Scottish people must be heard.”
The total electorate for Argyll and Bute was 66,525 with 48,192 votes cast. The turnout at the polls was 72.4%.
With its 23 inhabited islands, Argyll and Bute is the second largest local authority area – meaning it is always one of the last results to be announced.
Alongside postal votes and proxies, votes made their way across Argyll and Bute in ballot boxes transported by car, boat and helicopter to the count at Lochgilphead Joint Campus.
Returning officer Cleland Sneddon said: “We have a dedicated team of knowledgeable election staff which meant that everything went extremely smoothly, despite the unique challenges involved in administering a count on this scale. I would like to thank everyone involved for ensuring that Argyll and Bute’s UK general election count went so well.”