Margaret Curran is calling for a new debate to take place in Scotland on the issue of inequality
Labour has published new figures showing a rise in gender inequality when it comes to workers’ pay.
Statistics drawn up by the House of Commons library reveal the pay gap closed by 7.4% between 2002 and 2010, but has risen by 0.6% since then.
Shadow Scottish Secretary Margaret Curran produced the figures to mark the 44th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act.
She said: “Even with the great progress we made, it’s not right that today women are still paid only 80p for every pound a man is paid.
“If we are elected next year, we promise more change for women across Scotland to build on the progress we made in government.”
Ms Curran pledged Labour would introduce “make work pay” contracts to incentivise firms to pay a living wage, strengthen the minimum wage and deliver more transparency when it comes to company pay.