Shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander took part in a live BBC debate between both sides of the referendum campaign
Labour’s chief election strategist has warned the rise of the SNP proves that UKIP must be taken “very seriously”.
Douglas Alexander, who is co-ordinating the party’s plans for the Westminster poll in May, said Nigel Farage’s party would seek to become a channel for anti-politics sentiment in Britain.
The shadow foreign secretary told Labour delegates in Manchester: “We do take the electoral challenge posed by UKIP very seriously.
“I have spent more than 30 years with the Labour Party in Scotland, we saw the populist party of the right start by taking out Conservative MPs and ultimately taking out Labour MSPs.
“I can assure you I am the last person that needs to be convinced as to the threat that UKIP poses not just to the Conservatives but to all political parties here in Britain.”
He added: “Of course they are an anti-European party but, let’s be honest, the fuel in the tank of UKIP is more anti-politics than anti-Europe and they will try and establish themselves as a channel for the anti-politics sentiment that is very widely felt in Britain today.”