Commonwealth Games: Athletes’ opening ceremony selfies By Laura Redpath July 23 2014, 9:40 pm July 23 2014, 9:40 pm Share Commonwealth Games: Athletes’ opening ceremony selfies Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link Curling's Eve Muirhead dons her selfie skills Athletes from around the world, including Scotland’s Eve Muirhead, are joining the selfie spirit for tonight’s opening ceremony. Do you want to be featured in the next batch? Get snapping and tagging on social media and check back to see if you’ve stuck our fancy! Opening ceremony selfie!! with @mintetsaz @Team_Scotland @Glasgow2014 — Eve Muirhead (@evemuirhead) July 23, 2014 Glasgow 2014 Opening Ceremony! #TeamEngland #PRIDE @SebRodger @SophiePapps @arichardson1501 @gunnyluke @GBDawde — Jemma Oliver (@jemjemoliver) July 23, 2014 "@NicolaAdams2012: Boxing team #Selfie b4 the opening ceremony @cedwardsboxing @afowler06 … — Nicola Adams MBE (@NicolaAdamsMBE) July 23, 2014 The first gold medal podium selfie of Glasgow 2014…you saw it here first — Digby Walker (@diggers) July 23, 2014