Cove Rangers will kick-off their next nomadic Press and Journal Highland League campaign at “home” to Buckie Thistle.
Cove are groundsharing with Inverurie Locos, Formartine United, Keith and Banks o’ Dee next season while their new stadium at Calder Park is being built.
Kris Hunter’s revamped Formartine United squad start their campaign by taking on Forres at North Lodge Park.
Champions Brora Rangers won’t be involved the first weekend because they will be on Petrofac Cup duty.
They will receive the official champions flag ahead of their home clash with Rothes on August 1.
Saturday, July 25
- Cove Rangers v Buckie Thistle
- Deveronvale v Fraserburgh
- Formartine Utd v Forres Mechanics
- Fort William v Strathspey Thistle
- Lossiemouth v Brora Rangers
- Nairn County v Inverurie Locos
- Rothes v Keith
- Turriff Utd v Huntly
- Wick Academy v Clachnacuddin
Saturday, August 1
- Brora Rangers v Rothes
- Clachnacuddin v Deveronvale
- Forres Mechanics v Fort William
- Fraserburgh v Lossiemouth
- Huntly v Cove Rangers
- Inverurie Locos v Formartine Utd
- Keith v Buckie Thistle
- Strathspey Thistle v Turriff Utd
- Wick Academy v Nairn County
Saturday, August 8
- Buckie Thistle v Brora Rangers
- Cove Rangers v Keith
- Deveronvale v Nairn County
- Formartine Utd v Wick Academy
- Fort William v Inverurie Locos
- Huntly v Strathspey Thistle
- Lossiemouth v Clachnacuddin
- Rothes v Fraserburgh
- Turriff Utd v Forres Mechanics
Saturday, August 15
- Brora Rangers v Keith
- Clachnacuddin v Rothes
- Deveronvale v Formartine Utd
- Forres Mechanics v Huntly
- Fraserburgh v Buckie Thistle
- Inverurie Locos v Turriff Utd
- Strathspey Thistle v Cove Rangers
- Nairn County v Lossiemouth
- Wick Academy v Fort William
Saturday, August 22
- Buckie Thistle v Clachnacuddin
- Cove Rangers v Brora Rangers
- Fort William v Deveronvale
- Huntly v Inverurie Locos
- Keith v Fraserburgh
- Lossiemouth v Formartine Utd
- Rothes v Nairn County
- Strathspey v Forres Mechanics
- Turriff Utd v Wick Academy
Saturday, August 29
- Clachnacuddin v Keith
- Deveronvale v Turriff Utd
- Formartine Utd v Rothes
- Forres Mechanics v Cove Rangers
- Fraserburgh v Brora Rangers
- Inverurie Locos v Strathspey
- Lossiemouth v Fort William
- Nairn County v Buckie Thistle
- Wick Academy v Huntly
Saturday, September 5
- Brora Rangers v Clachnacuddin
- Buckie Thistle v Formartine Utd
- Cove Rangers v Fraserburgh
- Forres Mechanics v Inverurie Locos
- Huntly v Deveronvale
- Keith v Nairn County
- Rothes v Fort William
- Strathspey v Wick Academy
- Turriff Utd v Lossiemouth
Wednesday, September 9
- Clachnacuddin v Fraserburgh
- Deveronvale v Strathspey Thistle
- Formartine Utd v Keith
- Fort William v Buckie Thistle
- Inverurie Locos v Cove Rangers
- Lossiemouth v Huntly
- Nairn County v Brora Rangers
- Rothes v Turriff Utd
- Wick Academy v Forres Mechanics
Saturday, September 12
- Brora Rangers v Formartine Utd
- Buckie Thistle v Turriff Utd
- Cove Rangers v Clachnacuddin
- Forres Mechanics v Deveronvale
- Fraserburgh v Nairn County
- Huntly v Rothes
- Inverurie Locos v Wick Academy
- Keith v Fort William
- Strathspey Thistle v Lossiemouth
Saturday, September 19
- Buckie Thistle v Huntly
- Deveronvale v Inverurie Locos
- Formartine Utd v Fraserburgh
- Fort William v Brora Rangers
- Lossiemouth v Forres Mechanics
- Nairn County v Clachnacuddin
- Rothes v Strathspey Thistle
- Turriff Utd v Keith
- Wick Academy v Cove Rangers
Saturday, October 3
- Brora Rangers v Turriff Utd
- Clachnacuddin v Formartine Utd
- Cove Rangers v Nairn County
- Forres Mechanics v Rothes
- Fraserburgh v Fort William
- Inverurie Locos v Lossiemouth
- Keith v Huntly
- Strathspey Thistle v Buckie Thistle
- Wick Academy v Deveronvale
Wednesday, October 7
- Buckie Thistle v Forres Mechanics
- Deveronvale v Cove Rangers
- Formartine Utd v Nairn County
- Fort William v Clachnacuddin
- Huntly v Brora Rangers
- Keith v Strathspey Thistle
- Lossiemouth v Wick Academy
- Rothes v Inverurie Locos
- Turriff Utd v Fraserburgh
Saturday, October 10
- Brora Rangers v Strathspey
- Clachnacuddin v Turriff Utd
- Cove Rangers v Formartine Utd
- Deveronvale v Lossiemouth
- Forres Mechanics v Keith
- Fraserburgh v Huntly
- Inverurie Locos v Buckie Thistle
- Nairn County v Fort William
- Wick Academy v Rothes
Saturday, October 17
- Brora Rangers v Forres Mechanics
- Buckie Thistle v Wick Academy
- Fort William v Formartine Utd
- Huntly v Clachnacuddin
- Keith v Inverurie Locos
- Lossiemouth v Cove Rangers
- Rothes v Deveronvale
- Strathspey Thistle v Fraserburgh
- Turriff Utd v Nairn County
Saturday, October 24
- Clachnacuddin v Strathspey
- Cove Rangers v Fort William
- Deveronvale v Buckie Thistle
- Formartine Utd v Turriff Utd
- Forres Mechanics v Fraserburgh
- Inverurie Locos v Brora Rangers
- Lossiemouth v Rothes
- Nairn County v Huntly
- Wick Academy v Keith
Saturday, October 31
- Brora Rangers v Wick Academy
- Buckie Thistle v Lossiemouth
- Forres Mechanics v Clachnacuddin
- Fraserburgh v Inverurie Locos
- Huntly v Formartine Utd
- Keith v Deveronvale
- Rothes v Cove Rangers
- Strathspey Thistle v Nairn County
- Turriff Utd v Fort William
Saturday, November 7
- Clachnacuddin v Inverurie Locos
- Cove Rangers v Turriff Utd
- Deveronvale v Brora Rangers
- Formartine Utd v Strathspey
- Fort William v Huntly
- Lossiemouth v Keith
- Nairn County v Forres Mechanics
- Rothes v Buckie Thistle
- Wick Academy v Fraserburgh
Saturday, November 14
- Brora Rangers v Lossiemouth
- Buckie Thistle v Cove Rangers
- Clachnacuddin v Wick Academy
- Forres Mechanics v Formartine Utd
- Fraserburgh v Deveronvale
- Huntly v Turriff Utd
- Inverurie Locos v Nairn County
- Keith v Rothes
- Strathspey Thistle v Fort William
Saturday, November 21
- Buckie Thistle v Keith
- Cove Rangers v Huntly
- Deveronvale v Clachnacuddin
- Formartine Utd v Inverurie Locos
- Fort William v Forres Mechanics
- Lossiemouth v Fraserburgh
- Nairn County v Wick Academy
- Rothes v Brora Rangers
- Turriff Utd v Strathspey Thistle
Saturday, November 28
- Brora Rangers v Buckie Thistle
- Clachnacuddin v Lossiemouth
- Forres Mechanics v Turriff Utd
- Fraserburgh v Rothes
- Inverurie Locos v Fort William
- Keith v Cove Rangers
- Nairn County v Deveronvale
- Strathspey Thistle v Huntly
- Wick Academy v Formartine Utd
Saturday, December 5
- Buckie Thistle v Fraserburgh
- Cove Rangers v Strathspey Thistle
- Formartine Utd v Deveronvale
- Fort William v Wick Academy
- Huntly v Forres Mechanics
- Keith v Brora Rangers
- Lossiemouth v Nairn County
- Rothes v Clachnacuddin
- Turriff Utd v Inverurie Locos
Saturday, December 12
- Brora Rangers v Cove Rangers
- Clachnacuddin v Buckie Thistle
- Deveronvale v Fort William
- Formartine Utd v Lossiemouth
- Forres Mechanics v Strathspey
- Fraserburgh v Keith
- Inverurie Locos v Huntly
- Nairn County v Rothes
- Wick Academy v Turriff Utd
Saturday, December 19
- Brora Rangers v Fraserburgh
- Buckie Thistle v Nairn County
- Cove Rangers v Forres Mechanics
- Fort William v Lossiemouth
- Huntly v Wick Academy
- Keith v Clahnacuddin
- Rothes v Formartine Utd
- Strathspey Thistle v Inverurie
- Turriff Utd v Deveronvale
Saturday, December 26
- Clachnacuddin v Brora Rangers
- Deveronvale v Huntly
- Formartine Utd v Buckie Thistle
- Fort William v Rothes
- Fraserburgh v Cove Rangers
- Inverurie Locos v Forres Mechanics
- Lossiemouth v Turriff Utd
- Nairn County v Keith
- Wick Academy v Strathspey
Saturday, January 2, 2016
- Brora Rangers v Nairn County
- Buckie Thistle v Fort William
- Cove Rangers v Inverurie Locos
- Forres Mechanics v Wick Academy
- Fraserburgh v Clachnacuddin
- Huntly v Lossiemouth
- Keith v Formartine Utd
- Strathspey Thistle v Deveronvale
- Turriff Utd v Rothes
Saturday, January 9
- Clachnacuddin v Cove Rangers
- Deveronvale v Forres Mechanics
- Formartine Utd v Brora Rangers
- Fort William v Keith
- Lossiemouth v Strathspey Thistle
- Nairn County v Fraserburgh
- Rothes v Huntly
- Turriff Utd v Buckie Thistle
- Wick Academy v Inverurie Locos
Saturday, January 16
- Brora Rangers v Fort William
- Clachnacuddin v Nairn County
- Cove Rangers v Wick Academy
- Forres Mechanics v Lossiemouth
- Fraserburgh v Formartine Utd
- Huntly v Buckie Thistle
- Inverurie Locos v Deveronvale
- Keith v Turriff Utd
- Strathspey Thistle v Rothes
Saturday, January 23
- Buckie Thistle v Strathspey Thistle
- Deveronvale v Wick Academy
- Formartine Utd v Clachnacuddin
- Fort William v Fraserburgh
- Huntly v Keith
- Lossiemouth v Inverurie Locos
- Nairn County v Cove Rangers
- Rothes v Forres Mechanics
- Turriff Utd v Brora Rangers
Saturday, January 30
- Brora Rangers v Huntly
- Clachnacuddin v Fort William
- Cove Rangers v Deveronvale
- Forres Mechanics v Buckie Thistle
- Fraserburgh v Turriff Utd
- Inverurie Locos v Rothes
- Nairn County v Formartine Utd
- Strathspey Thistle v Keith
- Wick Academy v Lossiemouth
Saturday, February 13
- Buckie Thistle v Inverurie Locos
- Formartine Utd v Cove Rangers
- Fort William v Nairn County
- Huntly v Fraserburgh
- Keith v Forres Mechanics
- Lossiemouth v Deveronvale
- Rothes v Wick Academy
- Strathspey Thistle v Brora Rangers
- Turriff Utd v Clachnacuddin
Saturday, February 20
- Clachnacuddin v Huntly
- Cove Rangers v Lossiemouth
- Deveronvale v Rothes
- Formartine Utd v Fort William
- Forres Mechanics v Brora Rangers
- Fraserburgh v Strathspey Thistle
- Inverurie Locos v Keith
- Nairn County v Turriff Utd
- Wick Academy v Buckie Thistle
Saturday, March 19
- Brora Rangers v Inverurie Locos
- Buckie Thistle v Deveronvale
- Fort William v Cove Rangers
- Fraserburgh v Forres Mechanics
- Huntly v Nairn County
- Keith v Wick Academy
- Rothes v Lossiemouth
- Strathspey v Clachnacuddin
- Turriff Utd v Formartine Utd
Saturday, April 2
- Clachnacuddin v Forres Mechanics
- Cove Rangers v Rothes
- Deveronvale v Keith
- Formartine Utd v Huntly
- Fort William v Turriff Utd
- Inverurie Locos v Fraserburgh
- Lossiemouth v Buckie Thistle
- Nairn County v Strathspey Thistle
- Wick Academy v Brora Rangers
Saturday, April 16
- Brora Rangers v Deveronvale
- Buckie Thistle v Rothes
- Forres Mechanics v Nairn County
- Fraserburgh v Wick Academy
- Huntly v Fort William
- Inverurie Locos v Clachnacuddin
- Keith v Lossiemouth
- Strathspey v Formartine Utd
- Turriff Utd v Cove Rangers