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Paul Third: Actions will speak louder than words at Caley Thistle

Fans will be left sceptical after week of mixed messages at Inverness.

Inverness consultant Alan Savage (left) and BDO Administrator James Stephen. Image: SNS
Inverness consultant Alan Savage (left) and BDO Administrator James Stephen. Image: SNS

It is time for those who claim to have a vested interest in the future of Caley Thistle to put their money where their mouth is.

Chaos has reigned at Caledonian Stadium in what has been the most remarkable and ridiculous of seasons for the former Scottish Cup winners.

The club’s rise through the ranks from being the new kids on the block from the Highlands in Scottish football, all the way from the old Third Division to the European stage, has been a truly remarkable one.

But the last 12 months have shown plucky underdog stories do not guarantee a happy ending.

A season which started with talk of moving to Fife to train soon progressed to takeover talks and then when it became clear they were not going to happen, the club entering into administration.

Since then, former chairman Alan Savage has been given the task of trying to keep the club going alongside the administrators.

Throughout it all there have been updates and appeals galore, from requesting interested parties to write off debts to imploring those with a vested interest to provide clarity on issues such as the use of land around the stadium to their shareholding.

Fresh hope after another week of turmoil?

The need for progress on these matters have come into stark focus in the last seven days after it was announced the key issues have become a barrier to potential investors coming in to buy the club.

It’s understandable why potential suitors have shied away from making an offer.

If you are interested in buying a club, knowing what your liabilities are, how much debt you may need to take on and whether you will have a controlling interest, are all firmly in the ‘need to know’ category.

The reveal of the issues led to a real fear whether the club will survive last Monday.

By Wednesday, following further talks with shareholders which were described as “transformational”, the fear of whether the club will survive had given fresh hope a resolution could be found.

While anything resembling an air of positivity is to be welcomed, it’s unlikely anyone with an affinity for Caley Jags will be putting the champagne on ice just yet.

Fans justified in being sceptical

There have been too many false dawns and promises of better days to come which have failed to materialise.

Really, why should any right-minded fan of the club have cause to believe it’s going to be any better now?

Caley Thistle fans. Image: SNS.
Caley Thistle fans. Image: SNS.

Fans need details. Right now, even a few answers to some pretty simple questions would do.

Have the issues raised a week ago been resolved?

What agreements have been reached and have they been formalised?

If not, when can we expect them?

Will this new-found collaborative spirit bring interested parties back to the table?

Perhaps most important of all: what happens now?

Until basic fundamental information is forthcoming crossing fingers and hoping for the best is all supporters can do – and that’s a truly horrible place to be.

Savage has done his bit to support the club in its time of need but as he himself has stated, he cannot continue to do it on his own.

To quote that wise football sage, the culinary queen herself, Delia Smith: “Where are you? Let’s be having you. Come on!”
