A north-east school has primary school and nursery has been closed to all pupils as a result of a sickness bug.
Markethill in Turriff will not be open tomorrow.
In a statement on their school closure website, Aberdeenshire Council said: “Markethill School and Nursery will be closed Thursday 29th of September to all pupils due to a sickness bug.
“However if you have no alternative option for child care arrangements and your child has shown no signs of illness please contact fiona.mcritchie@aberdeenshire.gov.uk by 9pm tonight (Wednesday).
“There will be no transport and pupils should bring a packed lunch.”
It is understood that parents were notified by the school directly earlier today.
Markethill currently has a roll of 449 primary age pupils and 85 nursery pupils.
North-east primary school closed due to “sickness bug”