Alex Salmond
VIDEO: Alex Salmond wants to sort out “insane” milk prices
January 19, 2015
Alex Salmond: ‘The moment my father said I wasn’t doing enough for veterans’
January 13, 2015
Alex Salmond: One of the most recognisable faces on the planet?
January 13, 2015
Alex Salmond: Best advice I ever received was from my grandfather
January 13, 2015
Alex Salmond: ‘There’s not much I regret… but I wish I’d spent more time with my mother’
January 13, 2015
Alex Salmond: ‘I almost chose astronomy over politics’
January 12, 2015
Alex Salmond: How I got into horse racing…
January 12, 2015
Alex Salmond: ‘Sometimes I forget I’m not First Minister anymore’
January 12, 2015
Alex Salmond: “Oil was too important to leave to Westminster”
January 12, 2015
Alex Salmond: “One story like a shining light amidst Paris tragedy’
January 12, 2015
Alex Salmond: ‘I wanted to sign-off with Moira by my side’
January 10, 2015
Alex Salmond: ‘Our confidence of winning was based on our own knowledge’
January 10, 2015
Alex Salmond: ‘The moment I knew my dream was over’
January 10, 2015
Alex Salmond: The day after the Referendum
January 10, 2015
Alex Salmond: “Poll which said we were ahead came too early”
January 10, 2015
Alex Salmond: The story behind THAT picture
January 10, 2015
VIDEO: Alex Salmond introduces his P&J column
January 9, 2015
Alex Salmond: Is a Westminster post really for him?
January 9, 2015
Alex Salmond: “Winners of Referendum are acting like losers”
January 9, 2015
Alex Salmond: “People tell me two things, thank you or sorry”
January 9, 2015
Alex Salmond: “Yes campaign would have won if Gordon Brown hadn’t intervened”
January 9, 2015
Alex Salmond: “I’m not interested in another referendum”
January 8, 2015
VIDEO: Alex Salmond says Yes would have won if Alistair Darling had stayed in charge
January 8, 2015
Exclusive interview: Alex Salmond reveals all to The P&J
January 8, 2015