Once a proud home with a lovely garden… Now it’s Aberdeen bypass
November 10, 2015
A90 traffic restrictions set for Western Peripheral Route work
November 5, 2015
VIDEO: Time-lapse shows 20 tonne beams installed on Aberdeen bypass project
November 4, 2015
Will AWPR reduce traffic as much as predicted?
October 14, 2015
Electricity towers come down to prepare for third Don Crossing
October 10, 2015
WATCH: Work fast progressing on Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
September 11, 2015
£800million to be spent on Aberdeen roads… And still traffic misery might not be over
August 25, 2015
Elgin High School plans remain “in limbo”
August 5, 2015
Farmers along AWPR route warned against letting contractors on their land
August 1, 2015
Three, two, one… Blasting work clears way for Aberdeen bypass
July 23, 2015
Beloved Aberdeenshire inn could reopen after “worker’s accommodation” plans scrapped
July 20, 2015
Work starts on £15million Aberdeen Airport park-and-ride
June 26, 2015
Plans to end gridlock at Haudagain Roundabout revealed
June 26, 2015
Aberdeen bypass work hampered…by lone tree with a crow’s nest
June 3, 2015
‘Bypass bosses didn’t warn us about the THREE OFFICE BLOCKS’
June 2, 2015
Fears beloved Aberdeenshire inn will lie dormant due to AWPR
May 27, 2015
Motorists face traffic chaos in Aberdeen as bypass work begins
May 27, 2015
Fears of a landscape of ‘uncontrolled worker’s camps’ along AWPR route
May 26, 2015
VIDEO: Dream of A90 dual carriageway north of Aberdeen will soon be reality
May 25, 2015
Plans for Aberdeen bypass “workers hotel” put on hold
May 21, 2015
Work to begin on £15million park and ride project
February 23, 2015
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon cuts AWPR soil… in her brand new wellies
February 17, 2015
Fourth profit warning for Balfour Beatty
January 23, 2015
“Worker’s hotel” plan for 200-year-old Aberdeenshire inn revealed
January 23, 2015