Gilbert Bain Hospital
How new hospital promises for Highlands and islands sealed Holyrood budget deal
January 30, 2025
Shetland care home worker who attacked woman and ‘struggled violently’ with police given warning
April 1, 2024
Dream holiday ruined when passenger on cruise near Shetland evacuated to hospital for ‘sprain’
June 4, 2023
Cruise ship passengers airlifted after falling ill near Shetland
May 25, 2023
New mobile operating theatre for Orkney and Shetland to ease pandemic pressures
January 20, 2022
Rough sea conditions lead to 12-hour rescue operation for unwell crewman
February 26, 2021
Man falls from cliffs on Shetland
August 25, 2020
Shetland couple beat the lockdown blues to raise £8,000 for NHS
May 11, 2020
Shetland mum thanks medical teams for their outstanding care in her new baby’s moment of crisis
April 30, 2020
Coastguard helicopter called out twice to assist unwell crew members requiring evacuation from north oil platforms
November 4, 2019
Pedestrian, 80, dies after being struck by vehicle on Shetland
September 21, 2019
Woman, 84, dies following gas explosion at house in Shetland
July 31, 2019
Plans approved for surgery unit worth £1.3 million at Lerwick hospital
July 17, 2019
Man airlifted from offshore supply vessel off Shetland after suffering ‘cardiac difficulties’
June 11, 2019
‘Excellent job’ by hospital staff despite increase in delays
January 10, 2019
Bed numbers cut at Shetland hospital
January 10, 2019
Medical evacuation from North Sea supply vessel
September 27, 2018
Oil worker airlifted to hospital
August 28, 2018
Police launch investigation into ‘serious’ assault on Shetland
July 26, 2018
£2m campaign for MRI scanner in Shetland launched
July 6, 2018
Exhibition at Gilbert Bain Hospital generates round of appaws
July 2, 2018
Stricken walker safe after dramatic rope rescue in Shetland
May 11, 2018
Shetland Coastguard attend two separate incidents on North Sea rigs
April 16, 2018
Man airlifted to hospital in Shetland after becoming unwell at sea
April 6, 2018