Opinion Edward Welch: North would be poorer in so many ways without language learning opportunities December 11, 2023
Columnists Angus Peter Campbell: ‘Minority languages’ are fundamental to the world’s ecosystem January 12, 2023
Columnists Angus Peter Campbell: Gaelic deserves a seat at the table – just like every other language October 5, 2022
Columnists Angus Peter Campbell: Spend twice as long listening as you do speaking to properly master a language May 20, 2022
Highlands & Islands ‘It’s part of who we are’: New website launched to teach Gaelic through film and media February 2, 2022
Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Aberdeen academic spearheading £50,000 project to protect indigenous voices October 13, 2021
P&J Investigations Spikkin Scots Quiz: How many of these Scots words and phrases do you know? November 30, 2020
Higher Education Is Gaelic really in the ‘last chance saloon’? Two MSPs on warnings it will die out in 10 years July 10, 2020
Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Council hopes to expand Confucius classroom project to boost Mandarin skills June 13, 2017
Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire North-east councillors assert commitment to Doric… and Mandarin February 5, 2016