NHS Western Isles
REGIONAL BREAKDOWN: Western Isles records 13 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours
February 12, 2021
Nine new Covid cases identified on Lewis
February 12, 2021
REGIONAL BREAKDOWN: More than 90 new coronavirus cases across the north and north-east
February 11, 2021
REGIONAL BREAKDOWN: 70 new Covid cases recorded in the north and north-east
February 10, 2021
Coastguard helicopter team help to transfer vulnerable Covid patients from Barra to hospital in Stornoway
February 5, 2021
NHS Grampian named second-best in Scotland for Covid vaccine roll-out
February 5, 2021
More than 4,400 vaccinated in islands as new cases reported
February 2, 2021
New guidance on masks as new island Covid cases confirmed
February 2, 2021
Cabarfeidh Hotel becomes Covid vaccination clinic during island outbreak
February 1, 2021
Health board attacks ‘finger pointing’ at NHS staff amid Covid outbreak
January 31, 2021
Location of Western Isles mass vaccination centre changed due to outbreak of Covid at hospital
January 29, 2021
Western Isles to be put in lockdown due to rise in Covid cases
January 29, 2021
UK variant of Covid-19 found in Western Isles as hospital outbreak doubles
January 29, 2021
Vigilance urged as 10 new Covid cases confirmed in Western Isles
January 28, 2021
Visiting at Western Isles hospital restricted after two positive Covid cases confirmed
January 27, 2021
Coronavirus: Coastguard crews transport Barra Covid-19 tests over land and sea
January 23, 2021
First Western Isles Covid mass vaccination centre held on Lewis in sports centre
January 21, 2021
Health chief says outbreak is finally ‘going in the right direction’ as two new cases of Covid are confirmed on Barra
January 21, 2021
Nearly half of all Moray Covid cases during pandemic have been recorded during January
January 20, 2021
Covid: New cases recorded in Western Isles and Shetland
January 20, 2021
Test and Protect identifies gatherings on Barra that broke coronavirus rules
January 19, 2021
Barra islanders ‘let their guard down’ as Covid outbreak spreads
January 18, 2021
Incident management team meets to discuss ‘escalating’ Barra Covid outbreak
January 17, 2021
‘Serious situation’ on Barra as Covid cases almost triple on the island
January 16, 2021