Scottish Fishermen’s Federation
Fishing chiefs call for “false” claims about Scottish haddock to be retracted
March 18, 2017
Scottish fishing chiefs unfazed by conservation group’s verdict on their haddock
March 17, 2017
Mixed views from businesses underlines uncertainty over indyref and Brexit
March 14, 2017
Scots’ fishing fleet facing new measures to boost domestic landings
March 11, 2017
Farage takes centre-stage in fishers’ Brexit policy launch
February 28, 2017
Key Scottish fish stocks in rude health
January 31, 2017
Fishing chiefs insist the industry is doing all it can to adhere to the discard ban
January 28, 2017
Industry reaction to the fishing deal for 2017
December 15, 2016
Immigration minister hears concerns about Scottish fishing crew shortages
December 14, 2016
Fishing’s ‘fraught affair’ gets under way in Brussels
December 12, 2016
Scottish fishermen head to Brussels for quota talks
December 10, 2016
Fishermen’s federations adopt united stance on Brexit
November 28, 2016
Scots fleet will soon be free of the shackles of days-at-sea limits
November 24, 2016
Fishing study reveals who catches what in UK waters
November 16, 2016
Brexit in focus at Aberdeen fishing event
November 5, 2016
Brexit offers sea of opportunity for fishing industry
November 5, 2016
Meet the new president of the Scottish Fisherman’s Federation
November 5, 2016
Scots fishers await the “real prize” after Brexit
October 28, 2016
Brexit is a sea of opportunity, say Scottish fishermen
October 27, 2016
Ewing demands a fair deal for low-paid fishers
October 26, 2016
EU boats claim £400million of UK catch “bombshell”
October 11, 2016
Mearns villagers honoured for role in repairing historic north-east fishing boat
October 11, 2016
Nature lovers spark fury among Euro fishing chiefs
September 29, 2016
Don’t give up our fishing grounds, says SFF
September 27, 2016