Second World War
Second World Veteran who spent five years as prisoner of war celebrates 100th birthday
October 7, 2020
Tributes to French singer who became face of trendy post-war Paris, and inspired Beatles song
September 29, 2020
Special Thank You Spitfire to fly over Grampian and Highland hospitals in tribute to coronavirus heroes
September 15, 2020
Suburban memories of life in the Granite City
September 9, 2020
Analysis: First Minister’s drive for independence threatened to drown out her programme for government
September 1, 2020
Family’s quest to uncover the tragic war story of soldier who died in Aberdeen Blitz
September 1, 2020
Historic home in Moray reveals its secrets amid restoration work to convert it into holiday accommodation
August 21, 2020
VIDEO & GALLERY: North and north-east pay tribute to fallen in VJ Day memorial services
August 16, 2020
75th anniversary of VJ Day: How we marked the momentous event
August 15, 2020
The woman born in a Japanese prisoner of war camp
August 12, 2020
New VJ Day coin issued to commemorate those who fought 75 years ago
August 11, 2020
From Arctic convoys to Far East VJ Day missions, Alistair MacLean’s life was a real-life thriller
August 10, 2020
Luftwaffe bombing raid 80 years ago left top north-east golf course with ‘Hitler’s Bunker’
August 3, 2020
Aberdeen concrete air-raid shelter helping keep alive the story of the Second World War
July 27, 2020
The Aberdeen artist who captured the abject horror of life in a Japanese prisoner of war camp
July 14, 2020
Russian Arctic Convoy Museum launches fundraiser to buy trailer to transport wartime van
July 6, 2020
Highlander completes cycle following great uncle’s heroic escape route following capture at St Valery
July 2, 2020
The night the north-east feared the Nazis were invading… and the battle front was on our doorstep
June 29, 2020
Readers’ Letters: UK can help to set an example
June 22, 2020
The late Dame Vera Lynn’s anthem ‘We’ll Meet Again’ was a song which touched every family in Britain
June 19, 2020
The stories behind five of Dame Vera Lynn’s best-loved hits
June 18, 2020
RGU student’s braw Broch archive reveals the astonishing story of Fraserburgh on film
June 18, 2020
Veteran of St Valery salutes fallen friends on 80th anniversary of battle
June 13, 2020
Duke of Rothesay leads poignant global piping display in tribute to St Valery heroes
June 12, 2020