Tavish Scott
‘Saving money by forcing people on a 14-hour ferry instead of a quick flight to Aberdeen not acceptable’
April 26, 2017
Swinney pledges to prioritise maintaining teacher numbers in councils pitch
April 15, 2017
Scottish Government accused of “ducking responsibility” on HIE
March 7, 2017
Lib Dems call for review of teacher training scheme
February 16, 2017
Tavish Scott: Has the SNP learned nothing from the botched centralisation of Scotland’s police forces?
January 20, 2017
Row continues over future of HIE board
January 13, 2017
Scottish Government admits it can’t name a single body that supports HIE changes
January 11, 2017
Opposition say “chronic shortage” of teachers is responsible for low standards in the north
December 14, 2016
Tavish Scott: Fish talks in Brussels a ‘charade’
December 12, 2016
How Keith Brown danced around Tavish Scott: A blow by blow account
December 8, 2016
Tavish Scott: Why I’m supporting the P&J’s campaign to Keep HIE Local
December 3, 2016
MSP calls for taskforce to tackle Shetland area facing depopulation crisis
September 5, 2016
Lib Dem MSP warns on potential cost of losing Erasmus scheme post-Brexit
August 31, 2016
Wir Shetland backs Tavish Scott ahead of Scottish election
March 25, 2016
Plan to fund rural Scottish sports teams with sugar tax
March 21, 2016
Government should consider “island-proofing” laws
March 15, 2016
MSP calls for “real debate” on independence for Shetland
February 27, 2016
Lochhead “left farmers in the dark” over CAP payments to not “undermine the paper-thin case for independence”
February 10, 2016
MSP slams new ruling that could force councils to teach Gaelic
February 3, 2016
SNP minister ridiculed over “bizarre” leaflet containing “nonsense”
January 17, 2016
MSPs call for improved crofting reforms
December 9, 2015
Call for backup after Shetland communications blackout
July 27, 2015
Island MSP Tavish Scott clashes with airline over fares
January 7, 2015
Scottish independence: Unions claim No vote is best for fishing
September 12, 2014