‘Almost impossible to find a mountain without windfarm view’
February 15, 2017
Onshore wind supporting a thriving supply chain of businesses across Scotland
February 14, 2017
Windfarms in the wrong places can damage both local economies and the planet
February 14, 2017
Windfarm plans blown off course after world heritage vision for Flow Country not included in planning report
January 11, 2017
Have your say on windfarm developments in the Highlands
December 15, 2016
Windfarm campaigner hopes new book will take-out the industry spin
December 12, 2016
Councillors get tough on roads, demanding companies foot bill for repairs
October 31, 2016
Councillor steps up north of Scotland power row
August 29, 2016
‘Carnage’ warning for Loch Ness
August 18, 2016
Record penalty for electricity customers
August 15, 2016
New windfarm report claims nearby tourism has flourished
August 3, 2016
More turbines planned for NC500 route
July 18, 2016
Highland windfarm operators have received £52million…. for switching turbines off
May 5, 2016
Green energy targets missed in both England and Scotland
November 14, 2015
Windfarm survey shows people turning away from turbines
September 9, 2015
Tourists turn away from Highlands because of turbines
September 9, 2015
Government pledge to windfarm campaigners
August 7, 2015
“Windfarm wake” for Ewing
July 11, 2015
Campaigners condemn Fergus Ewing energy summit
July 9, 2015
Drama at Highland windfarm event as man is allegedly assaulted by security staff
June 24, 2015
Highland business group chief expresses “huge concern” over windfarm subsidy decision
June 20, 2015
Government to end windfarm subsidies scheme
June 19, 2015
Scottish Government to have say on windfarm subsidy reforms
May 29, 2015
Holyrood agrees to examine call for action to protect Highland landscape from industrialisation
May 27, 2015